With new focus put on evidence-based optometry, educators need systems to track the extensive training of students mastery of competencies related to examining, diagnosing, managing, and treating disorders, diseases, and injuries of the eye.
Meet Technology.
Optometry programs use a number of performance tools to measure student learning as well as the effectiveness of the curriculum. ExamN + eValuate give a complete picture of student performance across multiple assessment tools, tying it back to the same standards and competencies mapped in the curriculum.
Documentation for Site Visitors
eCurriculum not only provides a way to ensure programs are in alignment with accreditation standards, but also provides a way to demonstrate to site visitors how standards are met.
Digitizing Documents and Documentation
All paper forms, documents, and documentation are configured for easy electronic editing and access. Allows programs to administer and analyze evaluations and student, faculty, and instructor documentation entirely online with automated reminders.
Inspiration for Improvement
Start seeing how well the program covers the standards. Become engaged with the curriculum design and think about ways to improve teaching and learning experience methods.