The font of the wordmark in the eMedley logo and application text logos on a light background should be near black. The eMedley logo contains the signature colors for each application, shown below. Below are some guides on what not to do with the logo:
Do not:
- Rotate the logo
- Change the size and position of parts of the logo
- Center the logo over or under the wordmark
- Use only parts of the wordmark or logo
- Stretch the logo
- Change the colors used in the logo for any reason

When using the logo with other elements, ensure that there is a space around it equal to a fourth of its length on all sides.
Elements within the logo should be spaced as such:
Here at eMedley, we use colors to differentiate between our multiple education solutions. Below you can find the colors that represent each solution, made exact using Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes.
Primary Colors
(for logos and solution-specific content)
Hex: #ec9c49
RGB: 236,156,72
CMYK: 0, 34, 69, 7
Hex: #8cbb45
RGB: 140, 187, 69
CMYK: 25, 0, 63, 27
Hex: #ed5449
RGB: 237, 84, 73
CMYK: 0, 60, 64, 7
Hex: #dd6c81
RGB: 221, 108, 129
CMYK: 0, 44, 36, 13
Hex: #9a5cae
RGB: 154, 92, 174
CMYK: 8, 32, 0, 32
Hex: #f7c445
RGB: 247, 196, 69
CMYK: 0, 20, 70, 3
Hex: #2fb8d6
RGB: 47, 184, 214
CMYK: 78, 14, 0, 16
Hex: #a8417a
RGB: 168, 65, 122
CMYK: 0, 61, 27, 34
Secondary Colors
(for fonts and backgrounds)
Near Black
Hex: #292929
RGB: 41, 41, 41
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 84
Hex: #ffffff
RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0