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Platform Overview
Course Description:
This course provides an overview of the seven modules of the eMedley integrated platform for health science education programs. We will look at:
– eKeeper for managing data for students, faculty, preceptors, clinical sites, school years, and student cohorts.
– eCurriculum3 for curriculum and course management and mapping.
– eduCATE as a learning management system.
– eduSched for scheduling clinical rotations.
– eCLAS for tracking student clinical case and time logs.
– eValuate for creating and assigning evaluations.
– ExamN for creating and assigning tests.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the main functions of each module
- Explain the use of the modules within the broader data management, curriculum mapping, curriculum delivery, and performance assessment cycle
- Identify key integration points between the modules
Target Audience: eMedley administrators and other staff wanting a broad overview of eMedley’s capabilities.
Course Fee: $100 per participant
Creating and Managing Your Schedules
Course Description:
This course covers the management of rotation scheduling and capacity tracking within eKeeper and eduSched. We will start with the preceptor and clinical site build in eKeeper. After building those, we will look at setting preceptor and clinical site capacities in eduSched. After completing this foundational build, we will set up student schedules in the Schedule Planner. After this, we will review the mail merge and reporting capabilities of eduSched.
Learning Objectives:
- Manage preceptor and clinical site information in eKeeper
- Set preceptor and clinical site capacities in eduSched
- Schedule students
- Use mail merge in eduSched
- Report on schedule data
Target Audience: eMedley administrators actively involved in scheduling students.
Course Fee: $100 per participant
Creating and Managing Your Schedules
Course Description:
This course covers the management of rotation scheduling and capacity tracking within eKeeper and eduSched. We will start with the preceptor and clinical site build in eKeeper. After building those, we will look at setting preceptor and clinical site capacities in eduSched. After completing this foundational build, we will set up student schedules in the Schedule Planner. After this, we will review the mail merge and reporting capabilities of eduSched.
Learning Objectives:
- Manage preceptor and clinical site information in eKeeper
- Set preceptor and clinical site capacities in eduSched
- Schedule students
- Use mail merge in eduSched
- Report on schedule data
Target Audience: eMedley administrators actively involved in scheduling students.
Course Fee: $100 per participant
Course Management and Mapping for Faculty
Course Description:
This course covers the build and maintenance of courses within eMedley eCurriculum3.
Learning Objectives:
- Create and manage courses
- View and search the curriculum website
Target Audience: Faculty and instructors who maintain their own courses.
Course Fee: $100 per participant
Case and Time Logging
Course Description:
This course covers logging and management of case and time logs in eCLAS. We will look at what students, preceptors, and administrators can do with logs. We will also take as brief look at reporting options within eCLAS.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the student, preceptor, and administrator workflows with case logs
- Approve and deny case logs
- Manage case logs
- Describe the student and administrator workflows with time logs
- Manage time logs
Target Audience: eMedley administrators who support users with eCLAS.
Course Fee: $100 per participant
Dashboards and Reporting
Course Description:
This course covers dashboards and reporting within eValuate.
Learning Objectives:
- Use dashboards and reports in eValuate to view evaluation information
Target Audience: eMedley administrators and faculty who want to learn how to gather data about evaluations using dashboards and reports within eValuate.
Course Fee: $100 per participant
Analyzing Question Performance, Making Score Adjustments, and Grading
Course Description:
This course covers the use of the dashboards and reports within eMedley ExamN to analyze questions and then how to make question and score adjustments accordingly. We will also cover manual grading of tests.
Learning Objectives:
- Decide which questions are most effective and which questions may need revision
- Adjust test questions and scores based on this analysis
- View and edit student submissions
- Grade tests manually
Target Audience: eMedley administrators, faculty, and instructors actively involved in managing test submissions within ExamN.
Course Fee: $100 per participant
Prerequisite Course: ExamN: Test Creation and Management
eduCATE Basics
Course Description:
This course covers the basics of eMedley’s eduCATE.
Learning Objectives:
- Post announcements
- Create and assign homeworks, quizzes, discussions, etc.
- Integrate tests and evaluations
Target Audience: eMedley administrators, faculty, and instructors actively involved in using eduCATE for delivering courses.
Course Fee: $100 per participant